The California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) held a membership lunch on Napa State Hospital grounds on November 13, 2014 in which hospital police officers, communications operators, firefighters and conservationists were invited. The lunch was held in an effort to bring CSLEA members together during their lunch breaks to converse with CSLEA member services representatives and CSLEA Senior Legal Counsel Ryan Navarre.
“This is a very low key way for us to meet with our members, to find out how their doing in their work environments, and what more we can do to assist them in their careers,” said CSLEA President Alan Barcelona. “I thank our Member Services Representatives George Pina and Bernadette Gonzalez for their outreach and CSLEA Senior Legal Counsel Ryan Navarre whose commitment to the officers at Napa State Hospital is second to none. I, especially, thank our members who attended to learn more about how we partner with them to make a difference.”