SACRAMENTO – On December 1, 2015, California Statewide Law Enforcement President Alan Barcelona and Senior Legal Counsel Ryan Navarre met with California Health and Human Services (HSS) Undersecretary Michael Wilkening and Department of State Hospitals (DSH) Director Pamela Ahlin to discuss issues vital to the safety, health and well-being of its valued peace officer- members who protect and serve at California State Hospitals. Also in attendance from CSLEA were Capitol Advocacy Legislative Advocates Shane LaVigne and Kate Bell.
” We discussed goals for the upcoming year and the fast approaching budget cycle,” said Barcelona. “We explained that CSLEA will continue to meet with legislators to educate them on the current dangers and the potential dangers at state hospitals, the need for additional positions, equipment, and continued improvements to officers’ salaries and benefits to alleviate recruitment and retention difficulties and excessive overtime figures. “
“CSLEA is fortunate to have a great relationship with Agency and the Department and we are committed to our continued work in improving our members’ salaries and benefits,” said Navarre. “In addition we are working to assist in creating a safer environment for our members while at work. We would like to thank Undersecretary Wilkening and Director Pamela Ahlin for meeting with us and discussing these very important issues.”