Basic and Advanced Training in Northern & Southern California.
On February 4-5, 2016, California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) attorneys conducted four site representation classes for CSLEA members who are already assisting CSLEA and their colleagues at work, or who are in training to do so.
At the CSLEA office in Southern California, CSLEA Supervising Counsel Dave De La Riva, Senior Counsel Jim Vitko and Counsel Erin Eckelman-Ray conducted basic and advanced site rep training, while CSLEA Senior Counsels Andrea Perez and Ryan Navarre instructed site representatives at CSLEA headquarters in Sacramento.
“Our basic site representation class on Friday was by far the largest of the four groups,” said Perez. “It’s encouraging to see so many of our members looking for ways to become more involved with helping their colleagues, settling disputes with their supervisors and understanding the role CSLEA has in their careers.”
Twenty CSLEA members attended the basic site representation class in Sacramento, eight attended in Huntington Beach. Six CSLEA members attended the advanced site rep instruction in Sacramento and four in Southern California.
Some of the instruction included:
the structure of CSLEA and its 18 affiliates,
the grievance process
the right to have a representative
the CSLEA website and mobile app
how to update contact information and
where to find the CSLEA Know Your Rights videos.