SACRAMENTO – The California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) Foundation Scholarship Committee reports that as of June 1, 2016, it has received 41 applications for the 2016/17 CSLEA Consumer Protection and Public Safety scholarships scheduled to be awarded by August 30, 2016.
“Applications had to be postmarked by May 27th, which means there may be additional scholarship applications that are still in transit. We are encouraged by the number of applications we have received,” said Scholarship Committee Chairman Al Cardwood. “It means this is a valuable program for our members and we should make every effort to continue it.”
“Our goal is to award eight $1,000 scholarships,” said CSLEA President Alan Barcelona. “Thanks to the very generous, tax deductible donations made to our non-profit CSLEA Foundation, and the dedication of the Scholarship Committee members, we are able to offer this help with the cost of higher education.”
CSLEA will contact, by phone, those who will be awarded scholarships and announce their names, with photos, on the CSLEA and CSLEA Foundation websites.