SACRAMENTO – On August 15, 2019, California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) Chief Counsel Kasey Clark and Senior Counsel Ryan Navarre met with criminal intelligence specialists attending a California Department of Justice (DOJ) onboarding presentation at the DOJ Broadway in Sacramento.
The California Justice Information Services Division (CJIS), Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigative Services (BCIIS) hired additional criminal intelligence specialists recently as a result of the SB 384 project.
“There’s a lot to digest when starting a new job in state service,” said Clark. “Thank you to DOJ for inviting CSLEA to present union information to these public safety professionals who will work to assist law enforcement departments on every level with criminal intelligence information. We introduced CSLEA’s benefits and services and discussed the importance of membership to our association for, among other things, representation and our proven Legal Defense Fund (LDF).”