Tina Brazil, Ricardo Sanchez, Alan Barcelona, Anne Marie Schubert, Kenny & Christine Ehrman, Kasey Clark
SACRAMENTO – On October 2, 2019, the California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) co-hosted an event at the Sutter Club for Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert who is running for re-election in 2020.
The event was well attended by supporters including the Sacramento Police Officers Association and the Sacramento County Deputy Sheriff’s Association.
In addressing attendees, Schubert discussed her passion and love for her job despite the challenges in her current term. “There is no doubt the last year and a half, without hesitation, has been thee most challenging,” said Schubert. “The community was fractured but we’ve moved forward as a community. I love this job and I really want to keep it.”
This was Schubert’s first fundraiser since her re-election in 2018.
“Anne Marie Schubert has proven herself as a steadfast and strong district attorney,” said CSLEA President Alan Barcelona. “We support her work to make communities and California safer.”
In attendance from CSLEA were President Alan Barcelona, CFO Ricardo Sanchez, Senior Vice President Tina Brazil, Unit-A Vice President Kenny Ehrman, Secretary Christine Ehrman and Chief Counsel Kasey Clark.