One of the provisions in the 1.9 trillion COVID relief bill passed by Congress permits states to authorize bonus pay for essential employees who performed critical work during the pandemic. The law defines those eligible as a worker “needed to maintain continuity of operations of essential critical infrastructure sectors and additional sectors … to protect the health and well-being of the residents of their State, territory, or Tribal government.” Eligible employees could receive up to $13 per hour above their regular pay rate for all services performed during the pandemic to a maximum of $25,000 per employee.
It is unclear how the administration will apply the definition of essential worker and whether it will apply equally to the public and private sectors. Today, CSLEA spoke directly with CalHR and confirmed that the bonus eligibility will be a subject to be included when the parties meet to discuss the discontinuance of the Personal Leave Program and other items once the May Revise is released.
“CSLEA appreciates the dedication displayed by our members over the past year and continuing to date. We are committed to advocate that Unit 7 law enforcement, public safety and regulatory classifications are eligible for recognition as essential work” said CSLEA President Alan Barcelona.
CSLEA will provide updates of the bargaining process as scheduled dates become available.