FULLERTON – On March 30, 2023, California Organization of Licensing Registration Examiners (COLRE) President Enrique Razo and California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) Senior Counsel Jim Vitko met with DMV examiners in Fullerton to discuss current issues impacting examiners and to thank former COLRE Secretary and Site Representative Ramon Mata for his service to the union, his colleagues, and the State of California. Mata will retire from State service at the end of the month.
“I want to thank the examiners in Fullerton for welcoming and supporting CSLEA,” said Razo. “Our examiners are good, hard-working people who work to keep drivers and their passengers safe out on our roadways. Thank you, Ramon, for your service to California and for your work for, and support of, our union. Throw away your alarm clock and enjoy your retirement! It is well-earned and well-deserved.”