Special Guest Lt Governor Eleni Kounalakis speaks to BOD over Zoom
SAN DIEGO – Preceding its two-day membership conference in San Diego, California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) officers and directors met on March 21, 2024 at the Wyndham Bayside hotel for their first quarterly meeting of the year.
“We covered a lot of ground in our five-hour meeting,” said CSLEA President Alan Barcelona. “We updated our directors on our legal defense work, membership issues, communications, our political action work, and the difficulties the State is encountering in processing the MOU so that our members are getting all that we negotiated for. We know some of our members are extremely frustrated with not getting their negotiated compensation in a timely matter, as is CSLEA.”
Barcelona opened the meeting by leading board members in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for fallen law enforcement officers and members of the military.
The board first received an update from CSLEA Director of Communications and Public Affairs Teri Cox who presented the work done in preparation of the CSLEA membership conference, confirmation of the new CSLEA website, as well as other projects over the past three months. Cox also presented clips from a CSLEA communications video prepared for members to view at the conference should time permit.
The communications report was followed by an audit report of CSLEA’s financials by Steven Olds, CPA of Williams and Olds. Olds reported on his audit of 2022 and 2023, telling directors the audit opinion on CSLEA’s consolidated financial statements represent fairly, the highest level of opinion an auditor can provide.
CSLEA Membership Chair and CFO Ricardo Sanchez spoke to directors about the increased number of the State’s Bargaining Unit 7 positions and the challenges in reaching non-union members who reap the benefits of CSLEA negotiated contracts and side letters yet don’t support the union via membership dues. Recent examples were shared of non-union members seeking representation and assistance for CSLEA attorneys, all of whom were denied because they lacked union membership. CSLEA directors were asked to reach out to their affiliate directors and site reps to assist with membership recruitment.
“We are a strong union with a strong PAC and that’s how we achieve our accomplishments,” said Barcelona. “The work we do is financed by membership dues. We want to continue to be strong and continue our work to enhance salaries and benefits, and protect pensions.”
Lt. Governor Eleni Kounalakis then joined the BOD meeting via Zoom to thank CSLEA directors for their work on behalf of their members and for the work they do for the State of California. She told directors CSLEA is an impressive and special organization as it represents members from 110 different law enforcement, public safety and consumer protection job classifications. She noted that as Lt. Governor she works hard to be a champion of law enforcement.
CSLEA Political Consultant Peter Mitchell provided background on the Lt. Governor’s accomplishments and answered questions from directors about the candidates expected to run for California governor.
CSLEA Chief Counsel Kasey Clark addressed legal representation and defense issues including the frustration among some Unit 7 employees regarding the delays in how the current MOU has been processed by the State, noting that some retroactive overtime pay adjustments might still take months. Other issues CSLEA legal is working on include a respirator/facial hair issue impacting DMV investigators and safety equipment/uniform issues at DCC. He also addressed the legal defense fund assistance provided to SPPOAC President Matt Yarbrough involved in an on-duty shooting in January, and who will be participating in the Critical Incident training on Saturday morning.
On the CSLEA scholarship front, CSLEA President Alan Barcelona confirmed that CSLEA will be offering its scholarship program this year with an announcement and application to be made available shortly.
“We had a successful board meeting leading up to the first day of the CSLEA conference, said CSLEA Director and CAFDI President Joel Lambert. “Additionally, I would like to thank Tina Brazil for all the hard work that went in to the planning our conference and I would also like to recognize Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis for taking time out of her day to speak with us.”
“Today’s board meeting was another example of the dedication the directors have to ensure the benefits and rights of the members are advocated for,” said CSLEA Unit A Vice President and AMVIC President Kenneth Ehrman.
“During the CSLEA first quarter meeting, we brainstormed strategies to communicate how vital union membership and legal defense is for protecting our members’ lives, finances and even your personal freedom,” said CSLEA Director and SPPOAC President Matt Yarbrough.
“I am looking forward to meeting people at our conference. We are always looking to talk to our members to discuss issues or ways to make their work/home life better. Please reach out to your directors and affiliate directors to assist you,” said CSLEA Director and CACI President George Tiongson.
“As the president of CAFI, I can honestly say it is good to be back at a CSLEA conference. Having the ability to engage with all CSLEA members from all of our affiliates enables all board members to interact and share values, principles and the importance of being a member,” said CAFI President Paul San Gregorio. “From a thorough and active CSLEA board of directors meeting to knowing that your association is fiscally sound, makes for a stronger union. Take advantage of all the knowledge you have gained at the conference and carry it forward to all our members who did not have the opportunity to attend.”
“In my first BOD meeting since recently assuming the Presidency of ACE, I was greatly inspired by the Board on the importance of membership. The ACE Board will be making it a top priority to drive up membership in our ranks and to expand communication to ensure every member is heard,” said ACE President Bryan Slade.