- Congratulates top-earning 2024 sponsors,how much did they earn?
- Reminds members, $100 is theirs when they sponsor the membership of any Bargaining Unit 7 non-member
- Why union membership is so important
- Highlights of some of CSLEA’s work in 2024
SACRAMENTO – Recognizing that joining their union is a very important decision in protecting themselves and their careers with the State of California, 72 state employees assigned to Bargaining Unit 7 became members of the California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) in January 2025.

“After thoughtful consideration, these 72 new members recognized the importance and value of supporting the union that supports them,” said CSLEA President Alan Barcelona. “Union membership is job protection on several levels. In addition, CSLEA membership offers benefits and services, including a $15,000 basic life insurance benefit. One benefit I repeatedly point out, and think is extremely valuable, is being able to contact a CSLEA attorney with any questions or concerns related to work, not a labor rep but a labor attorney. Should something unexpected happen at work that requires an attorney, our members already have a team of attorneys on hand and at the ready. In addition, CSLEA has a $2.8 million proven legal defense fund that our members have access to should they face criminal or civil matters as a result of their job duties and responsibilities. Our attorneys also provide legal representation for administrative investigations, interviews and State Personnel Board hearings and appeals. Nobody expects to need any of this, but it’s good to know you have all of this if the unexpected happens.”

CSLEA congratulates top-earning 2024 sponsors
In addition to welcoming its newest members, CSLEA also thanks its great group of membership sponsors who inform their colleagues about CSLEA and assist them in signing up for membership. Any CSLEA member can be a sponsor and earn hundreds of dollars a year!
CSLEA’s top five sponsors in 2024 can tell you how easy and rewarding sponsoring new members can be! They earned the following:
Simply put CSLEA members, if your colleagues are not union members, they’re missing out on
- representation,
- benefits,
- special rate insurance coverage,
- a free basic $15,000 life insurance benefit,
- travel & entertainment discounts,
- scholarship opportunities,
- career and workplace guidance from CSLEA attorneys,
- ratification votes on contracts,
- input on negotiations,
- PORAC membership (for CSLEA peace-officer members),
- knowing they are doing their part to strengthen the working class, and to protect pensions and benefits,
- plus, any new to Unit 7 CSLEA member has access to a $50,000 Guarantee Issue Voluntary Term Life Insurance plan. The premium is based strictly on age. By applying within 90 days of their hire date in a Unit 7 position, they may enroll up to a $50,000 Voluntary Term Life Insurance (Spouse may enroll up to $25,000 and dependent children $10,000), with no Evidence of Insurability required (medical history questionnaire not required nor is a lab analysis required).

How sponsorship works
How simple is it for you to earn $100.00 for each non-member you encourage to sign up?
1) Direct them to CSLEA’s membership application: JOIN CSLEA
2) Instruct them to put YOUR name as their SPONSOR on the membership application
3) CSLEA does the rest, by sending you a “thank you” check for $100 for each non-member who joined CSLEA thanks to your encouragement!*
Any CSLEA member can be a sponsor, including CSLEA board members, affiliate directors and site representatives. Questions about membership, dues, benefits & services, or our sponsorship program? Contact CSLEA Membership Coordinator Rainie Brazil at RBrazil@CSLEA.com.
*This offer excludes individuals who sign up for membership at formal CSLEA new employee orientations (NEOs). Sponsors of Seasonal Lifeguard employees are eligible for $50.00 per sign up.
Why union membership is so important!
While CSLEA union members concentrate on their very important state law enforcement, public safety and consumer protection work, CSLEA directors, affiliate directors, attorneys and staff are working to protect and improve working conditions, jobs, salaries, benefits and pensions. In addition, CSLEA attorneys provide representation for situations such as adverse action, medical separations and administrative investigations.
Here is an example of some of the items CSLEA worked on in 2024 for its members:
- successfully maintained a $2.8 million Legal Defense Fund (LDF) that members contribute just $2.00 a month to
- provided eight $1,000 scholarships to CSLEA members or their children (with additional scholarships awarded by CSLEA affiliates)
- provided immediate response to union member’s requests for LDF assistance following an OIS
- met with DMV Chief regarding Telematics
- met with DSH Police Chief Jack Carter and Labor Representatives regarding the use of Telematics in DSH vehicles
- negotiated numerous disciplinary reductions for members, some of which included:
- received a SPB Decision for a Hospital Police Officer where the Board reduced the discipline from a Dismissal to a two-week suspension. The Board also dismissed charges of insubordination, dishonesty, and discourteous treatment. This resulted in the State owing the HPO backpay and interest totaling over $50,000.
- received SPB Decision for Cal Fire Com Op in which the Board reduced discipline from six-month salary dock to two-month salary dock and dismissed the charge of dishonesty. State owes four months of back pay and interest.
- Received a SPB Decision for a Hospital Police Officer where the Board sustained the discipline (5% salary reduction for 3 months), but dismissed the following charges: insubordination, willful disobedience, discourteous treatment, and inefficiency.
- filed a discrimination complaint with SPB and reached an agreement with the CDPH to accommodate a disabled employee to allow him to telework, when necessary
- successfully appealed the denial by DSH of an HPO’s request for retirement badge
- met with Labor Representatives from Atascadero, Metropolitan and Patton State Hospitals in June and November, to establish protocol for qualifying for bilingual pay differential, four years after CSLEA alerted DSH/Cal HR BU 7 staff were unable to qualify for bilingual compensation because DSH did not have a vendor in order to offer certification opportunities
- represented members in Administrative Investigations
- addressed excessive heat concerns by LREs
- participated in joint labor management meetings
- conducted site representation classes to inform members of their rights
- met with members in various job classifications to discuss concerns
- pressed for improved recruitment and retention efforts with DSS
- reached an agreement with CalHR and Exposition Park management following grievance
- discussed with management, police “calls for service” on Metro State Hospital grounds
- met with DDS regarding staffing issues at Porterville facility
- held general membership conference and conducted critical incident class for members
Each of CSLEA’s 18 affiliates have their own success stories reaching out and helping members with meetings to resolve issues, scholarship programs, assistance with memorial services, and orientations.
CSLEA values each and every one of its members and strives to achieve the best for them.