AC-DOJ Total Loss of Primary Residence Benefit
The “Total Loss of Primary Residence” benefit is $500.00 for AC-DOJ members who lose their primary residence due to natural disaster or other catastrophic event. To receive the benefit, the person applying for it must be a member in good standing at the time of the loss and fill out and submit the Association of Criminalist Disaster Relief form within the prescribed time limit. The AC-DOJ Total Loss benefit is effective as of October 1, 2018.
AC-DOJ Retirement Bonus
The AC-DOJ Retirement Bonus requires the recipient to be a minimum 10-year member of AC-DOJ in good standing, among other requirements. The bonus ranges from $250 for 10-14 years of service up to $1,000 for 30+ years. The AC-DOJ Retirement Bonus is effective as of October 1, 2018.
AC-DOJ $2,000 Death Benefit
The beneficiary of this benefit is the person listed as the beneficiary on record with CSLEA for CSLEA’s basic life insurance benefit. Please be sure to update your beneficiary if necessary. Every member lists a beneficiary upon becoming a CSLEA member.
To update beneficiary information please contact :
Maritza Torres, Administrative Assistant
Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc.