SACRAMENTO – On August 11, 2017, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) released the results of 24 Disabled Person Parking Placards (DPPP) enforcement operations carried out in July 2017. The enforcement operations targeted those fraudulently using DPPPs throughout the state.
“This is just one of the many, very important functions DMV investigators have as sworn peace officers,” said Association of Motor Vehicle Investigators of California (AMVIC) President Kenny Ehrman. “DMV investigators work to ensure that handicapped parking spots are used by people who have legitimately obtained DPPPs. Just because it’s in Grandma’s car, doesn’t mean you can use it. Grandma must be with you. There just aren’t enough handicapped parking spaces to go around, and fraudulently parking in one, hurts those who have mobility issues.”
In July, DMV investigators issued citations to 170 people who illegally parked in spaces designed for the handicapped. Those issued misdemeanor citations must appear in court, face possible fines that range from $250 to $1,000, and will have the offense recorded on their driver record. Investigators also confiscated the misused DPPPs. The cases are forwarded to the local district attorneys’ offices for prosecution.
Here are the results of the enforcement operations during the month of July:
Date City Citations Issued Drivers Contacted
7/12 Van Nuys – Civic Center 7 60
7/12 Fairfield 6 43
7/12 Santa Maria 5 55
7/13 Sunnyvale 9 115
7/13 Fresno 8 30
7/14 Moreno Valley 6 69
7/18 San Jose – Downtown 1 49
7/18 Delano 6 47
7/18 Pasadena/Duarte 10 65
7/18 Signal Hill 6 46
7/18 Hawthorne/Inglewood 12 75
7/19 San Diego 7 128
7/19 Modesto 4 26
7/19 Oxnard 12 58
7/19 Orange 4 34
7/20 El Cajon 2 89
7/21 Rancho Cordova 7 57
7/23 Pasadena – Rose Bowl 31 180
7/24 Foster City 7 72
7/26 Los Angeles 6 41
7/27 Roseville 1 50
7/27 Chula Vista 6 81
7/29 West Covina 2 40
7/29 Santa Cruz – Boardwalk 5 86
Totals: 170 1,596
From April 1 to July 31, 2017, DMV investigators issued 917 citations during 73 enforcement operations throughout the state.
Anyone who suspects a person may be misusing a Disabled Person Parking Placard is urged to report it using an online complaint form or by contacting their local DMV Investigations office. Submissions are confidential.
It is helpful to include the vehicle information associated with the suspected placard misuse, as well as the placard number (if possible), location where the vehicle was parked and the date it occurred.