FONTANA – On September 13, 2018, California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) agents and officers from the Fontana Police Department issued citations to three people for furnishing alcoholic beverages to underage decoys. During the undercover operation, decoys set up at two locations in the City of Fontana and contacted a total of 17 people, requesting they purchase alcohol for them because they are not of legal age to buy it themselves. Two of the three cited also had methamphetamine and one was carrying metal knuckles.
“Nothing positive comes from purchasing alcohol for a person under 21,” said California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) President Alan Barcelona. “ABC agents work day and night, year-round to keep alcohol away from those under 21. In addition, they enforce ABC laws at bars, stores and restaurants, working undercover and into the wee hours of the morning. We appreciate their work in keeping us all safe.”
The penalty for furnishing alcohol to a minor is a minimum $1,000 fine and 24 hours of community service.
Studies also show the combination of alcohol and youth tends to increase criminal conduct. According to the American Medical Association, underage drinking can increase the chances of risky sexual behavior and teen pregnancy, juvenile delinquency, compromise health, and result in unintentional injury or death.