DELHI – On October 31, 2019, California Department of Justice Bureau of Gambling Control special agents worked with the Merced County Sheriff’s Office to seize three electronic slot machines from a business in Delhi.
In addition to the machines, special agents and deputies seized an undisclosed amount of cash from the illegal operation.
Deputies arrested Angelica Saucedo, the owner of the business, and released her on a citation for possession of the illegal gambling machines.
The seizure stemmed from an October California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) operation targeting the sale of alcohol to minors. ABC agents and deputies witnessed the gambling machines inside the business.
“Nice work by both state and local law enforcement officers,” said California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) President Alan Barcelona. “Business owners who bring illegal gambling machines into their establishments can also be attracting a clientele that is a nuisance to neighborhoods.”