BERKELEY – On January 21, 2021, agents from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control posted a 45-day Notice of Suspension at the Safeway store located at 1444 Shattuck Place in Berkeley. Alcohol sales are immediately prohibited and cannot resume until the suspension has concluded.
ABC ordered the 45-day suspension because the store sold alcohol to customers under the age of 21 three times within a two-week period. In addition, the Safeway store’s ABC license will be on probation for a one-year period. If another violation occurs during the one-year probationary period, then ABC has authority to take further disciplinary action.
“Thank you to ABC agents who investigate businesses and employees who sell and or serve alcohol,” said California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) President Alan Barcelona. “Their presence, their undercover operations, their investigations and their pursuit to educate and enforce, contributes to the safety of all of us, out on the roads and in our communities.”